Welcome to Agriconcern Ltd.
A farming venture began in 1985 in an infertile and barren land of the village Garabaria under upazilla and district of Chuadanga. The initiative later designated as Agriconcern for operating it on commercial basis. Socio-economic condition of Garabaria characterized by poverty, illiteracy and unemployment, attracted the attention of Agriconcern. It designed a long term R&D plan to incorporate early winter vegetables in their farming practices for enhancing farm income and generation of local employment. Over years of concerted efforts, Agriconcern devised a technology package for production of early winter vegetables. Being impressed by higher incomeby following the production model given by Agriconcern, almost all farmers of the locality started growing early cauliflower and cabbage. Thus, a silent revolution took place, and the entire area of Chuadanga and beyond, were converted gradually into an important vegetable belt of the country. Production of vegetables generated higher income for the farmers and created more job opportunities for both men and women labours improving economic condition of all shades of village people. Smuggling and preparation and selling of wine out of date juice ceased to continue because of generatin of alternative job opportunities.
Agriconcern assisted institutional development to cope with the production surge of vegetables in the locality. A farmer cooperative and several farmer groups were formed for working together in production and marketing of vegetables. These led to develop organized marketing approach and developing cooperation in handling big volume of vegetables.
Outcome of the farming approach at Garabaria, helped Agriconcern conceptualizing its future agribusiness projects. This was conceived to base upon grass-root level linkage, making it participatory and interactive with the farmers and generating rural employment and serving national agriculture at large. Agriconcern expanded its farm area in four AEZ’ to strengthen and expand the domain of its grass-root level connection and supporting its different agribusiness projects as being their nuclei. The farm facilities so developed helped to conduct multi-location trial and research works for generating new technologies.